Wednesday, March 9, 2011

s'more safari

My safari in February now seems like quite an age ago, but it is always nice looking back at photos.I realised that I have jumped around a bit with my previous safari posts, so I am going to try and go through it in a bit more of an orderly fashion this time.

The last RUT (Robyn's Ugandan Tours) experience was five days, so we did a wee loop around western Uganda.

Our first stop was Mhingo Lodge at Lake Mburu. So beautiful. No real chance of seeing big game, but lots of hoofed animals; antelopes and zebras, breathtaking views and great food. Kerry (my very important client) and I were both very sick but we still managed to fit lots in
Tracker Purdie

We were lucky enough to gain another safari buddy, Nick, for the trip. He was then able to drive (and stop!) for us on our journey West.

Our next stop on safari was camping at Queen Elizabeth National Park. We only went here for one reason, to spot lions! So as soon as Kerry and I were better we set of on the hunt.

We also saw lots of ele bottoms at QENP

Celebrating our 'spots' at bush lodge

After all that hard work we deserved to be pampered and went to the newly opened Kykinga Lodge near Fort Portal.  As soon as I arrived I wanted to stamp my feet and scream, "You can't make me leave!".

We did leave though.


  1. These photos are magical! I wouldn't want to leave either ;)

  2. PS thank you for adding my button. I hope you'll be at the party - I can't wait to see who (and from where) shows up!

  3. Thank you! A great idea for the linky party-well done!

  4. OMG my DREAM in life is to visit the elephant i adopted in Africa - i have been DYING to go to Africa for YEARS upon YEARS!


    *kiss kiss*
    Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  5. It is magical!Put it on the top of your list!


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