Monday, May 9, 2011

The Bucket List

I met with a friend for coffee after the 'w' thing today. It was lovely to have some 'face time' with her, rather than just reading about all her happenings on her blog. She is also leaving Kampala this June and we shared things we are looking forward to, things that we would miss and contacts for freight companies! It was so lovely that now I am shaking my head and sighing at the thought of uprooting and leaving my comfortable little world that I created here in Kampala.

I'm not feeling sorry for myself. It is my choice to go and I am excited to start a new adventure, but it is always hard to leave friends and familiarity.

So positive thoughts only! 

When I leave in June it will be more of an 'hasta luego' than a 'goodbye' . I know I'll be back. But I still have a wee bucket list of things I would like to do/do again, with friends before I leave. Time just flies and with at least two weekends-away already booked, I don't want to make my list too extensive and become a stressful 'to-do' list.

My Kampala Bucket List (edited on 13.06.11)
Go for dinner at Il Patio (although I will happily go again...yum!)
Listen to Qwela at Emin Pasha
Lunch at Rocks and Roses
Dinner at Mamba Point
Make it back to church one Sunday!
Dance under the stars (done many times over the past few weeks)
Stay on Andy's Farm (a friend of a friend who has land by the lake) - not going to happen
Get to Helle's yoga for a last Wednesday and Saturday session - can't see this happening either..
Help host a final cook club
Sit by the pool for at least 3 hours straight, one sunny day
Visit Owino market (this is in pencil...)- rubbing this one out
Play at least 2 more games of tennis I'll try and fit one in!
Have a last mani and pedi by Denis in June

Is this it? I think I have forgotten a few - I will add to the list as I remember them. Any more suggestions?


  1. I think that you should play two games of tennis and then sit by the pool for 3 hours. That would be a great day! Good for you. Interestingly, I made a list today on my blog. It was the opposite of a Bucket List, it was a Never List :)
    Blessings to you!

  2. tennis then pool sounds about right-thanks Jackie!

  3. Hi Robyn,

    I am new to Kampala and I am just trying to create some semblance of a social life here since I am will be living here for ver a year. Can you give me some tips about how to go about meeting people. Classes, book groups, etc. I would appreciate any advice. I am a female in my 30's.


  4. Moving is scary, but exciting (I should know right now!!) - but you can always go back. Great to fit in as much fun as possible and really feel you've made the most of Kampala. And then start the bucket list for the next destination!

  5. D- thanks for visiting my blog. Welcome to Kampala! You left no email - but I will try and post something tonight that hopefully will help.

    Mud- my move is nothing in comparison to your life change. I should not be fretting!


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