Monday, October 8, 2012

Coming back

I'm happy.

Just thought I need to share that with you. Yes, the dust and air is drying my skin and messing with my sinuses. But I am happy. Yes, I miss the lush greenery of Africa after the rains and I miss the smell of it. I miss the happy faces and the monkeys that I saw on a daily basis.

I haven't really talked about what it was like to 'come back' to a place I used to live.  I've been a teenager here. Had teenage fights with my parents here. Huffed and puffed and squeezed lots of spots here. Studied for exams and pretended to study for exams. Went out to my first party. Got dressed up for my first formal dance. And sat those exams here. Then later I came back and worked here. Travelled and met life long friends. I've lived here for a total of six years, the periods of my life separated with university and the start of my working life as a wanna-be-adult.

A couple of folk that I was friendly with, but who were not in my circle of friends, were so surprised to see me back and took a double take when they saw me in the staffroom- not realising I was coming back, but also not able to believe that the three years I was away went by with a blink of their eye.

Lots of people have asked why I came back. Kind of complex. Kind of not. The answer is, because I could. The money is great. I was happy here before. It is a great place to travel from. I can do it again. Well, as I said, it is hardly for the scenery, although I do still love the Kuwait Towers at the they deserved a visit last week!

One thing about 'coming back' is that it has made the world seem a lot smaller.

The three years in East Africa now seem a little bit like an extended holiday. I'm just back to the day job now, my norm, my routine. But I like it.



  1. And there is a bit of Lawrence of Arabia in your last picture too, the mood of the desert, the romanticism of the sand...

  2. Glad you are happy! Sometimes I think about what it would be like to move back to California without Jurgen. I wonder if I would adjust right back into my normal friendship group, get a normal job, and fall back into a normal routine. I often wonder if South Africa would quickly turn into a crazy story to tell my children one day, instead of real life. It's amazing how things can change in the blink of an eye! Hopefully if I ever do move back it will be with Jurgen though :)


  3. Welcome home! Glad you're adjusting! xoxo

  4. I'm not sure where 'home' is sometimes or where going 'back' means. I think home is where my husband is, where we happen to be together. Juggling working and living between three countries isn't easy but it always assumes me how quickly things go back to 'normal' as soon as we go 'back'. A bit like you never left. Just pick up and carry on... :)

  5. Vanisha- 'home' is not Kuwait, that is for sure. Home for me is with my parents in our house in scotland. we have had that house since before i was born,so is my contstant. but yes, funny how things return to normal very quickly.

  6. love the new (ish) design and the Kuwait towers are so stunning! what a wonderful experience!

  7. allie! thank you. yes-i like the kuwait towers...always smile when i see them!

  8. What an amazing adventure you're living! There's always something exciting about every place, sometimes you just have to look a bit harder. Gorgeous photos :)


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