Friday, October 5, 2012


My body is still adjusting to Kuwait.

My body clock seems to have cracked it. On a week day I seem to naturally wake up around 4.45, just time to put on my trainers before my run.Then on my weekend,(the day I don't do my long run) I sleep-in for an extra two hours.Sorted.

But, now that I am getting into the groove of things, I keep thinking I am getting sick. My eyes are all puffy and my throat is scratchy and tight. Damn the dust. It comes in through the a/c and covers every surface in the flat. When I run I get a fuzzy nose, all the dust filtering through.Nice. It is not even that dusty yet. Some nights I wake up thinking, 'I'm sick, I'm sick'-but no, I'm body is just adjusting to all the dust. Although, today, I really am sick...and I am playing tennis later. Rubbish.

My beautiful yoga teacher from Uganda was in touch recently. She did a few breathing workshops here in Kuwait in the past and was complaining about the air, asking how I find it. The false air in the hotels, the cafes, the cars, the school buildings. Like I said, my body is readjusting. It isn't nice. My skin is cracking round my mouth and peeling at my forehead.  I need to get some thicker moisturiser.

 Yep-this is life in the sandpit.

On the upside. The polluted air and dust does make the sunrises and sunsets quite pretty.


  1. Oh my gosh! Where I have been? You're in Kuwait now! Sounds like the adjustment is rather rough, to say the least.
    Love the new look by the way.

  2. hey-yes-in kuwait now. my adjustment is easier though, than for most, as I have lived here before (twice before actually) is a bit rough...

  3. Sorry to hear about the air quality - maybe it is just seasonal? Silver lining is the sunsets at least :)

  4. Hi Robyn, I find that new places, especially those that are dusty trigger my asthma (which is normally quite well behaved!) takes me a couple of days to get my head and lungs around the new environment! I can't wait to read more about your adventures in Kuwait!

  5. That is gorgeous! Is Kuwait as pretty as it sounds? I was seated next to a soldier on a plane this week and he was stationed in Kuwait a couple months ago. He said its a beautiful place. I don't know what I'd do there, I'm extremely allergic to dust! I hope you feel better soon!

  6. kuwait? beautiful. no Larissa-I wouldn't use that adjective and surprised if a soldier did. Interesting, different- yes. Thank you -glad you like the blog's new look!

  7. Wow, Kuwait! That must be a drastic change and I can imagine that there would be a ton of things to adjust to.

  8. Thanks for sharing that picture - it's beautiful :) Kuwait looks amazing! I'm sorry you're having trouble adjusting to the time difference...Have you tried any teas or natural sleep remedies? I've had good luck with Moon Drops in the past! xo, eliza

  9. thanks eliza...not so many people that live here have that enthusiasm for the country-but it can be i guess. I'm not having troube sleeping-but thanks anyway


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