I wrote my first December blog last night, but on re-reading it today it seemed rather negative!
OK,so I haven't been sleeping and like others, I have a million and 2 things to do before the holidays...but I am enjoying December-so need to be kinder to it!
Rather than worry about my still not bought Christmas presents to be wrapped and sent-I am going to look forward to doing that this weekend. So what, if I do not have time to make my home-made (cheap!...no...loving...yes!) gifts, not to worry. If I did them EVERY year, they would be less special, right!?
The holidays are nearly here; the count down has begun and their are fun things are on the horizon.
I have been reading The Witches to my class(I do a great voice for the Grand High Witch!) and they cannot wait to watch the movie next week! There are plays to watch, festive parties to attend, pantomimes to holla at, pies to make, parcels to send and packing to be done.
OK, so I am not playing in the snow at the moment, but it is December all the same and it is just as special and exciting.